티스토리 뷰
[Thymeleaf 시작 #3] Thymeleaf 에서 지원하는 API (Base objects 및 Utility Objects)
호형 2020. 8. 19. 15:47이번에는 생각해서 작성한 내용 없이 Thymeleaf 공식 홈페이지에서 지원하는 API 목록 을 쭉 긁어왔다. 왜냐면 공식사이트가 너무 느려서 한번씩 찾아볼때마다 울화통이 터진다..
출처 : https://www.thymeleaf.org/doc/tutorials/2.1/usingthymeleaf.html
Base objects
#ctx : the context object. It will be an implementation of org.thymeleaf.context.IContext, org.thymeleaf.context.IWebContext depending on our environment (standalone or web). If we are using the Spring integration module, it will be an instance of org.thymeleaf.spring[3|4].context.SpringWebContext.
/* * ====================================================================== * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.context.IContext * ====================================================================== */ ${#ctx.locale} ${#ctx.variables} /* * ====================================================================== * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.context.IWebContext * ====================================================================== */ ${#ctx.applicationAttributes} ${#ctx.httpServletRequest} ${#ctx.httpServletResponse} ${#ctx.httpSession} ${#ctx.requestAttributes} ${#ctx.requestParameters} ${#ctx.servletContext} ${#ctx.sessionAttributes}
#locale: direct access to thejava.util.Localeassociated with current request.
#vars : an instance of org.thymeleaf.context.VariablesMap with all the variables in the Context (usually the variables contained in #ctx.variables plus local ones).
Unqualified expressions are evaluated against this object. In fact, ${something} is completely equivalent to (but more beautiful than) ${#vars.something}.
#root is a synomyn for the same object.
/* * ====================================================================== * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.context.VariablesMap * ====================================================================== */ ${#vars.get('foo')} ${#vars.containsKey('foo')} ${#vars.size()} ...
Web context namespaces for request/session attributes, etc.
When using Thymeleaf in a web environment, we can use a series of shortcuts for accessing request parameters, session attributes and application attributes:
Note these are not context objects, but maps added to the context as variables, so we access them without #. In some way, therefore, they act as namespaces.
param : for retrieving request parameters. ${param.foo} is a String[] with the values of the foo request parameter, so ${param.foo[0]} will normally be used for getting the first value.
/* * ============================================================================ * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.context.WebRequestParamsVariablesMap * ============================================================================ */ ${param.foo} // Retrieves a String[] with the values of request parameter 'foo' ${param.size()} ${param.isEmpty()} ${param.containsKey('foo')} ...
session : for retrieving session attributes.
${session.foo} // Retrieves the session atttribute 'foo' ${session.size()} ${session.isEmpty()} ${session.containsKey('foo')}
- application : for retrieving application/servlet context attributes.
/* * ============================================================================= * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.context.WebServletContextVariablesMap * ============================================================================= */ ${application.foo} // Retrieves the ServletContext atttribute 'foo' ${application.size()} ${application.isEmpty()} ${application.containsKey('foo')} ...
Note there is no need to specify a namespace for accessing request attributes (as opposed to request parameters) because all request attributes are automatically added to the context as variables in the context root:
Web context objects
Inside a web environment there is also direct access to the following objects (note these are objects, not maps/namespaces):
#httpServletRequest : direct access to the javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest object associated with the current request.
${#httpServletRequest.getAttribute('foo')} ${#httpServletRequest.getParameter('foo')} ${#httpServletRequest.getContextPath()} ${#httpServletRequest.getRequestName()} ...
#httpSession : direct access to the javax.servlet.http.HttpSession object associated with the current request.
${#httpSession.getAttribute('foo')} ${#httpSession.id} ${#httpSession.lastAccessedTime} ...
Spring context objects
If you are using Thymeleaf from Spring, you can also access these objects:
#themes : provides the same features as the Spring spring:theme JSP tag.
Spring beans
Thymeleaf also allows accessing beans registered at your Spring Application Context in the standard way defined by Spring EL, which is using the syntax @beanName, for example:
<div th:text="${@authService.getUserName()}">...</div>
Utility Objects
#dates : utility methods for java.util.Date objects:
/* * ====================================================================== * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Dates * ====================================================================== */ /* * Format date with the standard locale format * Also works with arrays, lists or sets */ ${#dates.format(date)} ${#dates.arrayFormat(datesArray)} ${#dates.listFormat(datesList)} ${#dates.setFormat(datesSet)} /* * Format date with the ISO8601 format * Also works with arrays, lists or sets */ ${#dates.formatISO(date)} ${#dates.arrayFormatISO(datesArray)} ${#dates.listFormatISO(datesList)} ${#dates.setFormatISO(datesSet)} /* * Format date with the specified pattern * Also works with arrays, lists or sets */ ${#dates.format(date, 'dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm')} ${#dates.arrayFormat(datesArray, 'dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm')} ${#dates.listFormat(datesList, 'dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm')} ${#dates.setFormat(datesSet, 'dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm')} /* * Obtain date properties * Also works with arrays, lists or sets */ ${#dates.day(date)} // also arrayDay(...), listDay(...), etc. ${#dates.month(date)} // also arrayMonth(...), listMonth(...), etc. ${#dates.monthName(date)} // also arrayMonthName(...), listMonthName(...), etc. ${#dates.monthNameShort(date)} // also arrayMonthNameShort(...), listMonthNameShort(...), etc. ${#dates.year(date)} // also arrayYear(...), listYear(...), etc. ${#dates.dayOfWeek(date)} // also arrayDayOfWeek(...), listDayOfWeek(...), etc. ${#dates.dayOfWeekName(date)} // also arrayDayOfWeekName(...), listDayOfWeekName(...), etc. ${#dates.dayOfWeekNameShort(date)} // also arrayDayOfWeekNameShort(...), listDayOfWeekNameShort(...), etc. ${#dates.hour(date)} // also arrayHour(...), listHour(...), etc. ${#dates.minute(date)} // also arrayMinute(...), listMinute(...), etc. ${#dates.second(date)} // also arraySecond(...), listSecond(...), etc. ${#dates.millisecond(date)} // also arrayMillisecond(...), listMillisecond(...), etc. /* * Create date (java.util.Date) objects from its components */ ${#dates.create(year,month,day)} ${#dates.create(year,month,day,hour,minute)} ${#dates.create(year,month,day,hour,minute,second)} ${#dates.create(year,month,day,hour,minute,second,millisecond)} /* * Create a date (java.util.Date) object for the current date and time */ ${#dates.createNow()} ${#dates.createNowForTimeZone()} /* * Create a date (java.util.Date) object for the current date (time set to 00:00) */ ${#dates.createToday()} ${#dates.createTodayForTimeZone()}
#calendars : analogous to #dates, but for java.util.Calendar objects:
/* * ====================================================================== * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Calendars * ====================================================================== */ /* * Format calendar with the standard locale format * Also works with arrays, lists or sets */ ${#calendars.format(cal)} ${#calendars.arrayFormat(calArray)} ${#calendars.listFormat(calList)} ${#calendars.setFormat(calSet)} /* * Format calendar with the ISO8601 format * Also works with arrays, lists or sets */ ${#calendars.formatISO(cal)} ${#calendars.arrayFormatISO(calArray)} ${#calendars.listFormatISO(calList)} ${#calendars.setFormatISO(calSet)} /* * Format calendar with the specified pattern * Also works with arrays, lists or sets */ ${#calendars.format(cal, 'dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm')} ${#calendars.arrayFormat(calArray, 'dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm')} ${#calendars.listFormat(calList, 'dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm')} ${#calendars.setFormat(calSet, 'dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm')} /* * Obtain calendar properties * Also works with arrays, lists or sets */ ${#calendars.day(date)} // also arrayDay(...), listDay(...), etc. ${#calendars.month(date)} // also arrayMonth(...), listMonth(...), etc. ${#calendars.monthName(date)} // also arrayMonthName(...), listMonthName(...), etc. ${#calendars.monthNameShort(date)} // also arrayMonthNameShort(...), listMonthNameShort(...), etc. ${#calendars.year(date)} // also arrayYear(...), listYear(...), etc. ${#calendars.dayOfWeek(date)} // also arrayDayOfWeek(...), listDayOfWeek(...), etc. ${#calendars.dayOfWeekName(date)} // also arrayDayOfWeekName(...), listDayOfWeekName(...), etc. ${#calendars.dayOfWeekNameShort(date)} // also arrayDayOfWeekNameShort(...), listDayOfWeekNameShort(...), etc. ${#calendars.hour(date)} // also arrayHour(...), listHour(...), etc. ${#calendars.minute(date)} // also arrayMinute(...), listMinute(...), etc. ${#calendars.second(date)} // also arraySecond(...), listSecond(...), etc. ${#calendars.millisecond(date)} // also arrayMillisecond(...), listMillisecond(...), etc. /* * Create calendar (java.util.Calendar) objects from its components */ ${#calendars.create(year,month,day)} ${#calendars.create(year,month,day,hour,minute)} ${#calendars.create(year,month,day,hour,minute,second)} ${#calendars.create(year,month,day,hour,minute,second,millisecond)} ${#calendars.createForTimeZone(year,month,day,timeZone)} ${#calendars.createForTimeZone(year,month,day,hour,minute,timeZone)} ${#calendars.createForTimeZone(year,month,day,hour,minute,second,timeZone)} ${#calendars.createForTimeZone(year,month,day,hour,minute,second,millisecond,timeZone)} /* * Create a calendar (java.util.Calendar) object for the current date and time */ ${#calendars.createNow()} ${#calendars.createNowForTimeZone()} /* * Create a calendar (java.util.Calendar) object for the current date (time set to 00:00) */ ${#calendars.createToday()} ${#calendars.createTodayForTimeZone()}
#numbers : utility methods for number objects:
/* * ====================================================================== * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Numbers * ====================================================================== */ /* * ========================== * Formatting integer numbers * ========================== */ /* * Set minimum integer digits. * Also works with arrays, lists or sets */ ${#numbers.formatInteger(num,3)} ${#numbers.arrayFormatInteger(numArray,3)} ${#numbers.listFormatInteger(numList,3)} ${#numbers.setFormatInteger(numSet,3)} /* * Set minimum integer digits and thousands separator: * 'POINT', 'COMMA', 'WHITESPACE', 'NONE' or 'DEFAULT' (by locale). * Also works with arrays, lists or sets */ ${#numbers.formatInteger(num,3,'POINT')} ${#numbers.arrayFormatInteger(numArray,3,'POINT')} ${#numbers.listFormatInteger(numList,3,'POINT')} ${#numbers.setFormatInteger(numSet,3,'POINT')} /* * ========================== * Formatting decimal numbers * ========================== */ /* * Set minimum integer digits and (exact) decimal digits. * Also works with arrays, lists or sets */ ${#numbers.formatDecimal(num,3,2)} ${#numbers.arrayFormatDecimal(numArray,3,2)} ${#numbers.listFormatDecimal(numList,3,2)} ${#numbers.setFormatDecimal(numSet,3,2)} /* * Set minimum integer digits and (exact) decimal digits, and also decimal separator. * Also works with arrays, lists or sets */ ${#numbers.formatDecimal(num,3,2,'COMMA')} ${#numbers.arrayFormatDecimal(numArray,3,2,'COMMA')} ${#numbers.listFormatDecimal(numList,3,2,'COMMA')} ${#numbers.setFormatDecimal(numSet,3,2,'COMMA')} /* * Set minimum integer digits and (exact) decimal digits, and also thousands and * decimal separator. * Also works with arrays, lists or sets */ ${#numbers.formatDecimal(num,3,'POINT',2,'COMMA')} ${#numbers.arrayFormatDecimal(numArray,3,'POINT',2,'COMMA')} ${#numbers.listFormatDecimal(numList,3,'POINT',2,'COMMA')} ${#numbers.setFormatDecimal(numSet,3,'POINT',2,'COMMA')} /* * ========================== * Utility methods * ========================== */ /* * Create a sequence (array) of integer numbers going * from x to y */ ${#numbers.sequence(from,to)} ${#numbers.sequence(from,to,step)}
#strings : utility methods for String objects:
/* * ====================================================================== * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Strings * ====================================================================== */ /* * Null-safe toString() */ ${#strings.toString(obj)} // also array*, list* and set* /* * Check whether a String is empty (or null). Performs a trim() operation before check * Also works with arrays, lists or sets */ ${#strings.isEmpty(name)} ${#strings.arrayIsEmpty(nameArr)} ${#strings.listIsEmpty(nameList)} ${#strings.setIsEmpty(nameSet)} /* * Perform an 'isEmpty()' check on a string and return it if false, defaulting to * another specified string if true. * Also works with arrays, lists or sets */ ${#strings.defaultString(text,default)} ${#strings.arrayDefaultString(textArr,default)} ${#strings.listDefaultString(textList,default)} ${#strings.setDefaultString(textSet,default)} /* * Check whether a fragment is contained in a String * Also works with arrays, lists or sets */ ${#strings.contains(name,'ez')} // also array*, list* and set* ${#strings.containsIgnoreCase(name,'ez')} // also array*, list* and set* /* * Check whether a String starts or ends with a fragment * Also works with arrays, lists or sets */ ${#strings.startsWith(name,'Don')} // also array*, list* and set* ${#strings.endsWith(name,endingFragment)} // also array*, list* and set* /* * Substring-related operations * Also works with arrays, lists or sets */ ${#strings.indexOf(name,frag)} // also array*, list* and set* ${#strings.substring(name,3,5)} // also array*, list* and set* ${#strings.substringAfter(name,prefix)} // also array*, list* and set* ${#strings.substringBefore(name,suffix)} // also array*, list* and set* ${#strings.replace(name,'las','ler')} // also array*, list* and set* /* * Append and prepend * Also works with arrays, lists or sets */ ${#strings.prepend(str,prefix)} // also array*, list* and set* ${#strings.append(str,suffix)} // also array*, list* and set* /* * Change case * Also works with arrays, lists or sets */ ${#strings.toUpperCase(name)} // also array*, list* and set* ${#strings.toLowerCase(name)} // also array*, list* and set* /* * Split and join */ ${#strings.arrayJoin(namesArray,',')} ${#strings.listJoin(namesList,',')} ${#strings.setJoin(namesSet,',')} ${#strings.arraySplit(namesStr,',')} // returns String[] ${#strings.listSplit(namesStr,',')} // returns List<String> ${#strings.setSplit(namesStr,',')} // returns Set<String> /* * Trim * Also works with arrays, lists or sets */ ${#strings.trim(str)} // also array*, list* and set* /* * Compute length * Also works with arrays, lists or sets */ ${#strings.length(str)} // also array*, list* and set* /* * Abbreviate text making it have a maximum size of n. If text is bigger, it * will be clipped and finished in "..." * Also works with arrays, lists or sets */ ${#strings.abbreviate(str,10)} // also array*, list* and set* /* * Convert the first character to upper-case (and vice-versa) */ ${#strings.capitalize(str)} // also array*, list* and set* ${#strings.unCapitalize(str)} // also array*, list* and set* /* * Convert the first character of every word to upper-case */ ${#strings.capitalizeWords(str)} // also array*, list* and set* ${#strings.capitalizeWords(str,delimiters)} // also array*, list* and set* /* * Escape the string */ ${#strings.escapeXml(str)} // also array*, list* and set* ${#strings.escapeJava(str)} // also array*, list* and set* ${#strings.escapeJavaScript(str)} // also array*, list* and set* ${#strings.unescapeJava(str)} // also array*, list* and set* ${#strings.unescapeJavaScript(str)} // also array*, list* and set* /* * Null-safe comparison and concatenation */ ${#strings.equals(first, second)} ${#strings.equalsIgnoreCase(first, second)} ${#strings.concat(values...)} ${#strings.concatReplaceNulls(nullValue, values...)} /* * Random */ ${#strings.randomAlphanumeric(count)}
#objects : utility methods for objects in general
/* * ====================================================================== * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Objects * ====================================================================== */ /* * Return obj if it is not null, and default otherwise * Also works with arrays, lists or sets */ ${#objects.nullSafe(obj,default)} ${#objects.arrayNullSafe(objArray,default)} ${#objects.listNullSafe(objList,default)} ${#objects.setNullSafe(objSet,default)}
#bools : utility methods for boolean evaluation
/* * ====================================================================== * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Bools * ====================================================================== */ /* * Evaluate a condition in the same way that it would be evaluated in a th:if tag * (see conditional evaluation chapter afterwards). * Also works with arrays, lists or sets */ ${#bools.isTrue(obj)} ${#bools.arrayIsTrue(objArray)} ${#bools.listIsTrue(objList)} ${#bools.setIsTrue(objSet)} /* * Evaluate with negation * Also works with arrays, lists or sets */ ${#bools.isFalse(cond)} ${#bools.arrayIsFalse(condArray)} ${#bools.listIsFalse(condList)} ${#bools.setIsFalse(condSet)} /* * Evaluate and apply AND operator * Receive an array, a list or a set as parameter */ ${#bools.arrayAnd(condArray)} ${#bools.listAnd(condList)} ${#bools.setAnd(condSet)} /* * Evaluate and apply OR operator * Receive an array, a list or a set as parameter */ ${#bools.arrayOr(condArray)} ${#bools.listOr(condList)} ${#bools.setOr(condSet)}
#arrays : utility methods for arrays
/* * ====================================================================== * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Arrays * ====================================================================== */ /* * Converts to array, trying to infer array component class. * Note that if resulting array is empty, or if the elements * of the target object are not all of the same class, * this method will return Object[]. */ ${#arrays.toArray(object)} /* * Convert to arrays of the specified component class. */ ${#arrays.toStringArray(object)} ${#arrays.toIntegerArray(object)} ${#arrays.toLongArray(object)} ${#arrays.toDoubleArray(object)} ${#arrays.toFloatArray(object)} ${#arrays.toBooleanArray(object)} /* * Compute length */ ${#arrays.length(array)} /* * Check whether array is empty */ ${#arrays.isEmpty(array)} /* * Check if element or elements are contained in array */ ${#arrays.contains(array, element)} ${#arrays.containsAll(array, elements)}
#lists : utility methods for lists
/* * ====================================================================== * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Lists * ====================================================================== */ /* * Converts to list */ ${#lists.toList(object)} /* * Compute size */ ${#lists.size(list)} /* * Check whether list is empty */ ${#lists.isEmpty(list)} /* * Check if element or elements are contained in list */ ${#lists.contains(list, element)} ${#lists.containsAll(list, elements)} /* * Sort a copy of the given list. The members of the list must implement * comparable or you must define a comparator. */ ${#lists.sort(list)} ${#lists.sort(list, comparator)}
#sets : utility methods for sets
/* * ====================================================================== * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Sets * ====================================================================== */ /* * Converts to set */ ${#sets.toSet(object)} /* * Compute size */ ${#sets.size(set)} /* * Check whether set is empty */ ${#sets.isEmpty(set)} /* * Check if element or elements are contained in set */ ${#sets.contains(set, element)} ${#sets.containsAll(set, elements)}
#maps : utility methods for maps
/* * ====================================================================== * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Maps * ====================================================================== */ /* * Compute size */ ${#maps.size(map)} /* * Check whether map is empty */ ${#maps.isEmpty(map)} /* * Check if key/s or value/s are contained in maps */ ${#maps.containsKey(map, key)} ${#maps.containsAllKeys(map, keys)} ${#maps.containsValue(map, value)} ${#maps.containsAllValues(map, value)}
#aggregates : utility methods for creating aggregates on arrays or collections
/* * ====================================================================== * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Aggregates * ====================================================================== */ /* * Compute sum. Returns null if array or collection is empty */ ${#aggregates.sum(array)} ${#aggregates.sum(collection)} /* * Compute average. Returns null if array or collection is empty */ ${#aggregates.avg(array)} ${#aggregates.avg(collection)}
#messages : utility methods for obtaining externalized messages inside variables expressions, in the same way as they would be obtained using #{...} syntax.
/* * ====================================================================== * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Messages * ====================================================================== */ /* * Obtain externalized messages. Can receive a single key, a key plus arguments, * or an array/list/set of keys (in which case it will return an array/list/set of * externalized messages). * If a message is not found, a default message (like '??msgKey??') is returned. */ ${#messages.msg('msgKey')} ${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1)} ${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1, param2)} ${#messages.msg('msgKey', param1, param2, param3)} ${#messages.msgWithParams('msgKey', new Object[] {param1, param2, param3, param4})} ${#messages.arrayMsg(messageKeyArray)} ${#messages.listMsg(messageKeyList)} ${#messages.setMsg(messageKeySet)} /* * Obtain externalized messages or null. Null is returned instead of a default * message if a message for the specified key is not found. */ ${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey')} ${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1)} ${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1, param2)} ${#messages.msgOrNull('msgKey', param1, param2, param3)} ${#messages.msgOrNullWithParams('msgKey', new Object[] {param1, param2, param3, param4})} ${#messages.arrayMsgOrNull(messageKeyArray)} ${#messages.listMsgOrNull(messageKeyList)} ${#messages.setMsgOrNull(messageKeySet)}
#ids : utility methods for dealing with id attributes that might be repeated (for example, as a result of an iteration).
/* * ====================================================================== * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Ids * ====================================================================== */ /* * Normally used in th:id attributes, for appending a counter to the id attribute value * so that it remains unique even when involved in an iteration process. */ ${#ids.seq('someId')} /* * Normally used in th:for attributes in <label> tags, so that these labels can refer to Ids * generated by means if the #ids.seq(...) function. * * Depending on whether the <label> goes before or after the element with the #ids.seq(...) * function, the "next" (label goes before "seq") or the "prev" function (label goes after * "seq") function should be called. */ ${#ids.next('someId')} ${#ids.prev('someId')}
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