티스토리 뷰
springboot에서 kafka 설정을 위한 property 목록이다.
Key |
Default Value |
Description |
spring.kafka.admin.client-id |
ID to pass to the server when making requests. Used for server-side logging. |
spring.kafka.admin.fail-fast |
false |
Whether to fail fast if the broker is not available on startup. |
spring.kafka.admin.properties.* |
Additional admin-specific properties used to configure the client. |
spring.kafka.admin.security.protocol |
Security protocol used to communicate with brokers. |
spring.kafka.admin.ssl.key-password |
Password of the private key in the key store file. |
spring.kafka.admin.ssl.key-store-location |
Location of the key store file. |
spring.kafka.admin.ssl.key-store-password |
Store password for the key store file. |
spring.kafka.admin.ssl.key-store-type |
Type of the key store. |
spring.kafka.admin.ssl.protocol |
SSL protocol to use. |
spring.kafka.admin.ssl.trust-store-location |
Location of the trust store file. |
spring.kafka.admin.ssl.trust-store-password |
Store password for the trust store file. |
spring.kafka.admin.ssl.trust-store-type |
Type of the trust store. |
spring.kafka.bootstrap-servers |
Comma-delimited list of host:port pairs to use for establishing the initial connections to the Kafka cluster. Applies to all components unless overridden. |
spring.kafka.client-id |
ID to pass to the server when making requests. Used for server-side logging. |
spring.kafka.consumer.auto-commit-interval |
Frequency with which the consumer offsets are auto-committed to Kafka if 'enable.auto.commit' is set to true. |
spring.kafka.consumer.auto-offset-reset |
What to do when there is no initial offset in Kafka or if the current offset no longer exists on the server. |
spring.kafka.consumer.bootstrap-servers |
Comma-delimited list of host:port pairs to use for establishing the initial connections to the Kafka cluster. Overrides the global property, for consumers. |
spring.kafka.consumer.client-id |
ID to pass to the server when making requests. Used for server-side logging. |
spring.kafka.consumer.enable-auto-commit |
Whether the consumer's offset is periodically committed in the background. |
spring.kafka.consumer.fetch-max-wait |
Maximum amount of time the server blocks before answering the fetch request if there isn't sufficient data to immediately satisfy the requirement given by "fetch-min-size". |
spring.kafka.consumer.fetch-min-size |
Minimum amount of data the server should return for a fetch request. |
spring.kafka.consumer.group-id |
Unique string that identifies the consumer group to which this consumer belongs. |
spring.kafka.consumer.heartbeat-interval |
Expected time between heartbeats to the consumer coordinator. |
spring.kafka.consumer.isolation-level |
read-uncommitted |
Isolation level for reading messages that have been written transactionally. |
spring.kafka.consumer.key-deserializer |
Deserializer class for keys. |
spring.kafka.consumer.max-poll-records |
Maximum number of records returned in a single call to poll(). |
spring.kafka.consumer.properties.* |
Additional consumer-specific properties used to configure the client. |
spring.kafka.consumer.security.protocol |
Security protocol used to communicate with brokers. |
spring.kafka.consumer.ssl.key-password |
Password of the private key in the key store file. |
spring.kafka.consumer.ssl.key-store-location |
Location of the key store file. |
spring.kafka.consumer.ssl.key-store-password |
Store password for the key store file. |
spring.kafka.consumer.ssl.key-store-type |
Type of the key store. |
spring.kafka.consumer.ssl.protocol |
SSL protocol to use. |
spring.kafka.consumer.ssl.trust-store-location |
Location of the trust store file. |
spring.kafka.consumer.ssl.trust-store-password |
Store password for the trust store file. |
spring.kafka.consumer.ssl.trust-store-type |
Type of the trust store. |
spring.kafka.consumer.value-deserializer |
Deserializer class for values. |
spring.kafka.jaas.control-flag |
required |
Control flag for login configuration. |
spring.kafka.jaas.enabled |
false |
Whether to enable JAAS configuration. |
spring.kafka.jaas.login-module |
com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule |
Login module. |
spring.kafka.jaas.options.* |
Additional JAAS options. |
spring.kafka.listener.ack-count |
Number of records between offset commits when ackMode is "COUNT" or "COUNT_TIME". |
spring.kafka.listener.ack-mode |
Listener AckMode. See the spring-kafka documentation. |
spring.kafka.listener.ack-time |
Time between offset commits when ackMode is "TIME" or "COUNT_TIME". |
spring.kafka.listener.client-id |
Prefix for the listener's consumer client.id property. |
spring.kafka.listener.concurrency |
Number of threads to run in the listener containers. |
spring.kafka.listener.idle-between-polls |
0 |
Sleep interval between Consumer.poll(Duration) calls. |
spring.kafka.listener.idle-event-interval |
Time between publishing idle consumer events (no data received). |
spring.kafka.listener.log-container-config |
Whether to log the container configuration during initialization (INFO level). |
spring.kafka.listener.missing-topics-fatal |
false |
Whether the container should fail to start if at least one of the configured topics are not present on the broker. |
spring.kafka.listener.monitor-interval |
Time between checks for non-responsive consumers. If a duration suffix is not specified, seconds will be used. |
spring.kafka.listener.no-poll-threshold |
Multiplier applied to "pollTimeout" to determine if a consumer is non-responsive. |
spring.kafka.listener.poll-timeout |
Timeout to use when polling the consumer. |
spring.kafka.listener.type |
single |
Listener type. |
spring.kafka.producer.acks |
Number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete. |
spring.kafka.producer.batch-size |
Default batch size. A small batch size will make batching less common and may reduce throughput (a batch size of zero disables batching entirely). |
spring.kafka.producer.bootstrap-servers |
Comma-delimited list of host:port pairs to use for establishing the initial connections to the Kafka cluster. Overrides the global property, for producers. |
spring.kafka.producer.buffer-memory |
Total memory size the producer can use to buffer records waiting to be sent to the server. |
spring.kafka.producer.client-id |
ID to pass to the server when making requests. Used for server-side logging. |
spring.kafka.producer.compression-type |
Compression type for all data generated by the producer. |
spring.kafka.producer.key-serializer |
Serializer class for keys. |
spring.kafka.producer.properties.* |
Additional producer-specific properties used to configure the client. |
spring.kafka.producer.retries |
When greater than zero, enables retrying of failed sends. |
spring.kafka.producer.security.protocol |
Security protocol used to communicate with brokers. |
spring.kafka.producer.ssl.key-password |
Password of the private key in the key store file. |
spring.kafka.producer.ssl.key-store-location |
Location of the key store file. |
spring.kafka.producer.ssl.key-store-password |
Store password for the key store file. |
spring.kafka.producer.ssl.key-store-type |
Type of the key store. |
spring.kafka.producer.ssl.protocol |
SSL protocol to use. |
spring.kafka.producer.ssl.trust-store-location |
Location of the trust store file. |
spring.kafka.producer.ssl.trust-store-password |
Store password for the trust store file. |
spring.kafka.producer.ssl.trust-store-type |
Type of the trust store. |
spring.kafka.producer.transaction-id-prefix |
When non empty, enables transaction support for producer. |
spring.kafka.producer.value-serializer |
Serializer class for values. |
spring.kafka.properties.* |
Additional properties, common to producers and consumers, used to configure the client. |
spring.kafka.security.protocol |
Security protocol used to communicate with brokers. |
spring.kafka.ssl.key-password |
Password of the private key in the key store file. |
spring.kafka.ssl.key-store-location |
Location of the key store file. |
spring.kafka.ssl.key-store-password |
Store password for the key store file. |
spring.kafka.ssl.key-store-type |
Type of the key store. |
spring.kafka.ssl.protocol |
SSL protocol to use. |
spring.kafka.ssl.trust-store-location |
Location of the trust store file. |
spring.kafka.ssl.trust-store-password |
Store password for the trust store file. |
spring.kafka.ssl.trust-store-type |
Type of the trust store. |
spring.kafka.streams.application-id |
Kafka streams application.id property; default spring.application.name. |
spring.kafka.streams.auto-startup |
true |
Whether or not to auto-start the streams factory bean. |
spring.kafka.streams.bootstrap-servers |
Comma-delimited list of host:port pairs to use for establishing the initial connections to the Kafka cluster. Overrides the global property, for streams. |
spring.kafka.streams.cache-max-size-buffering |
Maximum memory size to be used for buffering across all threads. |
spring.kafka.streams.cleanup.on-shutdown |
true |
Cleanup the application’s local state directory on shutdown. |
spring.kafka.streams.cleanup.on-startup |
false |
Cleanup the application’s local state directory on startup. |
spring.kafka.streams.client-id |
ID to pass to the server when making requests. Used for server-side logging. |
spring.kafka.streams.properties.* |
Additional Kafka properties used to configure the streams. |
spring.kafka.streams.replication-factor |
The replication factor for change log topics and repartition topics created by the stream processing application. |
spring.kafka.streams.security.protocol |
Security protocol used to communicate with brokers. |
spring.kafka.streams.ssl.key-password |
Password of the private key in the key store file. |
spring.kafka.streams.ssl.key-store-location |
Location of the key store file. |
spring.kafka.streams.ssl.key-store-password |
Store password for the key store file. |
spring.kafka.streams.ssl.key-store-type |
Type of the key store. |
spring.kafka.streams.ssl.protocol |
SSL protocol to use. |
spring.kafka.streams.ssl.trust-store-location |
Location of the trust store file. |
spring.kafka.streams.ssl.trust-store-password |
Store password for the trust store file. |
spring.kafka.streams.ssl.trust-store-type |
Type of the trust store. |
spring.kafka.streams.state-dir |
Directory location for the state store. |
spring.kafka.template.default-topic |
Default topic to which messages are sent. |
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